Notification modes

Core GLPI provides two notifications modes as of today:

  • email (sends email),

  • ajax (send browser notifications if/when user is logged)

It is possible to extends this mechanism in order to create another mode to use. Let’s take a tour… We’ll take example of a plugin designed to send SMS to the users.

Required configuration

A few steps are required to setup the mode. In the init method (setup.php file); register the mode:

public function plugin_init_sms {

   if ($plugin->isActivated('sms')) {
         Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_SMS, //mode itself
         __('SMS', 'plugin_sms'),                //label
         'sms'                                   //plugin name



GLPI will look for classes named like Plugin{NAME}Notification{MODE}.

In the above example; we have used one the the provided (but not yet used) modes from the core. If you need a mode that does not exists, you can of course create yours!

In order to make you new notification active, you will have to declare a notifications_{MODE} variable in the main configuration: You will add it at install time, and remove it on uninstall… In the hook.php file:


function plugin_sms_install() {
   Config::setConfigurationValues('core', ['notifications_sms' => 0]);
   return true;

function plugin_sms_uninstall() {
   $config = new Config();
   $config->deleteConfigurationValues('core', ['notifications_sms']);
   return true;


You will probably need some configuration settings to get your notifications mode to work. You can register and retrieve additional configuration values using core Config object:

//set configuration
   'plugin:sms', //context
   [ //values
      'server' => '',
      'port'   => ''

//get configuration
$conf = Config::getConfigurationValues('plugin:sms');
//$conf will be ['server' => '', 'port' => '']

That said, we need to create a class to handle the settings, and a front file to display them. The class must be named PluginSmsNotificationSmsSetting and must be in the inc/notificationsmssetting.class.php. It have to extends the NotificationSetting core class :

if (!defined('GLPI_ROOT')) {
   die("Sorry. You can't access this file directly");

*  This class manages the sms notifications settings
class PluginSmsNotificationSmsSetting extends NotificationSetting {

   static function getTypeName($nb=0) {
      return __('SMS followups configuration', 'sms');

   public function getEnableLabel() {
      return __('Enable followups via SMS', 'sms');

   static public function getMode() {
      return Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_SMS;

   function showFormConfig($options = []) {
      global $CFG_GLPI;

      $conf = Config::getConfigurationValues('plugin:sms');
      $params = [
         'display'   => true
      $params = array_merge($params, $options);

      $out = "<form action='".Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__)."' method='post'>";
      $out .= Html::hidden('config_context', ['value' => 'plugin:sms']);
      $out .= "<div>";
      $out .= "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='1'>";
      $out .= "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
      $out .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th colspan='4'>"._n('SMS notification', 'SMS notifications', Session::getPluralNumber(), 'sms')."</th></tr>";

      if ($CFG_GLPI['notifications_sms']) {
         $out .= "<tr><td colspan='4'>" . __('SMS notifications are not implemented yet.', 'sms') .  "</td></tr>";
      } else {
         $out .= "<tr><td colspan='4'>" . __('Notifications are disabled.')  . " <a href='{$CFG_GLPI['root_doc']}/front/setup.notification.php'>" . _('See configuration') .  "</td></tr>";
      $options['candel']     = false;
      if ($CFG_GLPI['notifications_sms']) {
         $options['addbuttons'] = array('test_sms_send' => __('Send a test SMS to you', 'sms'));

      //Ignore display parameter since showFormButtons is now ready :/ (from all but tests)
      echo $out;


The front form file, located at front/notificationsmssetting.form.php will be quite simple. It handles the display of the configuration form, update of the values, and test send (if any):

include ('../../../inc/includes.php');

Session::checkRight("config", UPDATE);
$notificationsms = new PluginSmsNotificationSmsSetting();

if (!empty($_POST["test_sms_send"])) {
} else if (!empty($_POST["update"])) {
   $config = new Config();

Html::header(Notification::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "config", "notification", "config");

$notificationsms->display(array('id' => 1));



Once the new mode has been enabled; it will try to raise core events. You will need to create an event class named PluginSmsNotificationEventSms that implements NotificationEventInterface and extends NotificationEventAbstract in the inc/notificationeventsms.php.

Methods to implement are:

  • getTargetFieldName: defines the name of the target field;

  • getTargetField: populates if needed the target field to use. For a SMS plugin, it would retrieve the phone number from users table for example;

  • canCron: whether notification can be called from a crontask. For the SMS plugins, it would be true. It is set to false for ajax based events; because notifications are requested from user browser;

  • getAdminData: as global admin is not a real user; you can define here the data used to send the notification;

  • getEntityAdminData: same as the above, but for entities admins rather than global admin;

  • send: method that will really send data.

The raise method declared in the interface is implemented in the abstract class; since it should be used as it for every mode. If you want to do extra process in the raise method, you should override the extraRaise method. This is done in the core to add signatures in the mailing for example.


Notifications uses the QueueNotification to store its data. Each notification about to be sent will be stored in the relevant table. Rows are updated once the notification has really be send (set is_deleted to 1 and update sent_time.

En example class for SMS Events would look like the following:

class PluginSmsNotificationEventSms implements NotificationEventInterface {

   static public function getTargetFieldName() {
      return 'phone';

   static public function getTargetField(&$data) {
      $field = self::getTargetFieldName();

      if (!isset($data[$field])
         && isset($data['users_id'])) {
         // No phone set: get one for user
         $user = new user();

         $phone_fields = ['mobile', 'phone', 'phone2'];
         foreach ($phone_fields as $phone_field) {
            if (isset($user->fields[$phone_field]) && !empty($user->fields[$phone_field])) {
               $data[$field] = $user->fields[$phone_field];

      if (!isset($data[$field])) {
         //Missing field; set to null
         $data[$field] = null;

      return $field;

   static public function canCron() {
      return true;

   static public function getAdminData() {
      //no phone available for global admin right now
      return false;

   static public function getEntityAdminsData($entity) {
      global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;

      $iterator = $DB->request([
         'FROM'   => 'glpi_entities',
         'WHERE'  => ['id' => $entity]

      $admins = [];

      while ($row = $iterator->next()) {
         $admins[] = [
            'language'  => $CFG_GLPI['language'],
            'phone'     => $row['phone_number']

      return $admins;

   static public function send(array $data) {
      //data is an array of notifications to send. Process the array and send real SMS here!
      throw new \RuntimeException('Not yet implemented!');


Finally, create a NotificationSms class that implements the NotificationInterface in the inc/notificationsms.php file.

Methods to implement are:

  • check: to validate data (checking if a mail address is well formed, …);

  • sendNotification: to store raised event notification in the QueueNotification;

  • testNotification: used from settings to send a test notification.

Again, the SMS example:

class PluginSmsNotificationSms implements NotificationInterface {

   static function check($value, $options = []) {
      //Does nothing, but we could check if $value is actually what we expect as a phone number to send SMS.
      return true;

   static function testNotification() {
      $instance = new self();
      //send a notification to current loged in user
         '_itemtype'                   => 'NotificationSms',
         '_items_id'                   => 1,
         '_notificationtemplates_id'   => 0,
         '_entities_id'                => 0,
         'fromname'                    => 'TEST',
         'subject'                     => 'Test notification',
         'content_text'                => "Hello, this is a test notification.",
         'to'                          => Session::getLoginUserID()

   function sendNotification($options=array()) {

      $data = array();
      $data['itemtype']                             = $options['_itemtype'];
      $data['items_id']                             = $options['_items_id'];
      $data['notificationtemplates_id']             = $options['_notificationtemplates_id'];
      $data['entities_id']                          = $options['_entities_id'];

      $data['sendername']                           = $options['fromname'];

      $data['name']                                 = $options['subject'];
      $data['body_text']                            = $options['content_text'];
      $data['recipient']                            = $options['to'];

      $data['mode'] = Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_SMS;

      $mailqueue = new QueuedMail();

      if (!$mailqueue->add(Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data))) {
         Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('Error inserting sms notification to queue', 'sms'), true, ERROR);
         return false;
      } else {
         //TRANS to be written in logs %1$s is the to email / %2$s is the subject of the mail
                           sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'),
                                    sprintf(__('An SMS notification to %s was added to queue', 'sms'),

      return true;

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