
Directories structure

Real structure will depend of what your plugin propose. See requirements to find out what is needed. You may also want to take a look at GLPI File Hierarchy Standard.


The main directory name of your plugin may contain only alphanumeric characters (no - or _ or accentued characters or else).

The plugin directory structure should look like the following:

  • MyPlugin

    • front

    • inc

    • locale

    • tools



    • setup.php

    • hook.php

    • MyPlugin.xml

    • MyPlugin.png

  • front will host all PHP files directly used to display something to the user,

  • inc will host all classes,

  • if you internationalize your plugin, localization files will be found under the locale directory,

  • if you need any scripting tool (like something to extract or update your translatable strings), you can put them in the tools directory

  • a file describing the plugin features, how to install it, and so on,

  • a LICENSE file contaiing the license,

  • MyPlugin.xml and MyPlugin.png can be used to reference your plugin on the plugins directory website,

  • the required setup.php and hook.php files.

Where to write files?


Plugins my never ask user to give them write access on their own directory!

The GLPI installation already ask for administrator to get write access on its files directory; just use GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR/{plugin_name} (that would resolve to glpi_dir/files/_plugins/{plugin_name} in default basic installations).

Make sure to create the plugin directory at install time, and to remove it on uninstall.


We recommand you to use semantic versionning for you plugins. You may find existing plugins that have adopted another logic; some have reasons, others don’t… Well, it is up to you finally :-)

Whatever the versionning logic you adopt, you’ll have to be consistent, it is not easy to change it without breaking things, once you’ve released something.


Many projects make releases without providing any changlog file. It is not simple for any end user (whether a developer or not) to read a repository log or a list of tickets to know what have changed between two releases.

Keep in mind it could help users to know what have been changed. To achieve this, take a look at Keep an ChangeLog, it will exaplin you some basics and give you guidelines to maintain sug a thing.

Third party libraries

Just like GLPI, you should use the composer tool to manage third party libraries for your plugin.

Creative Commons License