Tips & tricks

Add a tab on a core object

In order to add a new tab on a core object, you will have to:

  • register your class against core object(s) telling it you will add a tab,

  • use getTabNameForItem() to give tab a name,

  • use displayTabContentForItem() to display tab contents.

First, in the plugin_init_{plugin_name} function, add the following:

   GlpiPlugin\Myexample\MyClass::class, [
      'addtabon' => [

Here, we request to add a tab on Computer and Phone objects.

Then, in your src/MyClass.php (in which MyClass is defined):

function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate=0) {
   switch ($item::getType()) {
      case Computer::getType():
      case Phone::getType():
         return __('Tab from my plugin', 'myexampleplugin');
   return '';

static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum=1, $withtemplate=0) {
   switch ($item::getType()) {
      case Computer::getType():
         //display form for computers
      case Phone::getType():
   if ($item->getType() == 'ObjetDuCoeur') {
      $monplugin = new self();
      $ID = $item->getField('id');
     // j'affiche le formulaire
   return true;

private static function displayTabContentForComputer(Computer $item) {

private static function displayTabContentForPhone(Phone $item) {

On the above example, we have used two different methods to display tab, depending on item type. You could of course use only one if there is no (or minor) differences at display.

Add a tab on one of my plugin objects

In order to add a new tab on your plugin object, you will have to:

  • use defineTabs() to register the new tab,

  • use getTabNameForItem() to give tab a name,

  • use displayTabContentForItem() to display tab contents.

Then, in your src/MyClass.php:

function defineTabs($options=array()) {
   $ong = array();
   //add main tab for current object
   //add core Document tab
   $this->addStandardTab(__('Document'), $ong, $options);
   return $ong;

 * Définition du nom de l'onglet
function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate=0) {
   switch ($item::getType()) {
      case __CLASS__:
         return __('My plugin', 'myexampleplugin');
   return '';

 * Définition du contenu de l'onglet
static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum=1, $withtemplate=0) {
   switch ($item::getType()) {
      case __CLASS__:
   return true;

Add several tabs

On the same model you create one tab, you may add several tabs.

function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate=0) {
   $ong = [
      __('My first tab', 'myexampleplugin'),
      __('My second tab', 'myexampleplugin')
   return $ong;

static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum=0, $withtemplate=0) {
   switch ($tabnum) {
      case 0 : //"My first tab"
         //do something
      case 1 : //"My second tab""
         //do something else
   return true;

Add an object in dropdowns

Just add the following to your object class (src/MyObject.php):

function plugin_myexampleplugin_getDropdown() {
   return [MyObject::class => MyObject::getTypeName(2)];

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