
Differents tools are available on the tools folder; here is an non exhaustive list of provided features.


The locale directory contains several scripts used to maintain translations along with Transifex services:

  • is used to extract translated string to the POT file (before sending it to Transifex),

  • locale\ compiles MO files from PO file (after they’ve been updated from transifex).

Generate GLPI phpdoc using apigen. apigen command must be available in your path.

Generated documentation will be available in the api directory.


Search options have changed in GLPI 9.2 (see PR #1396). This script is a helper to convert existing search options to new way.


The script output can probably not be used as is; but it would probably help you a lot!

Builds GLPI release tarball:

  • install and cleanup third party libraries,

  • remove files and directories that should not be part of tarball,

  • minify CSS an Javascript files,

Update copyright header based on the contents of the HEADER file.


This script is designed to be called from a browser, or from the command line. It will display existing search options for an item specified with the type argument.

For example, open http://localhost/glpi/tools/getsearchoptions.php?type=Computer, and you will see search options for Computer type.

On command line, you can get the exact same result entering:

$ php tools/getsearchoptions.php --type=Computer


This script is designed to generate many data in your GLPI instance. It relies on the generate_bigdump.function.php file.

Not yet documented…


Following scripts are not yet documented… Feel free to open a pull request to add them!

  • Probably obsolete



  • checkforms.php: Check forms opened / closed

  • checkfunction.php: Check for obsolete function usage

  • cleanhistory.php: Purge history with some criteria

  • diff_plugin_locale.php: Probably obsolete

  • Check duplicates key in language template

  • findtableswithoutclass.php


  • fk_generate.php


  • glpiuser.php

  • ldap-glpi.ldif: An LDAP export

  • ldap-schema.txt: An LDAP export

  • ldapsync.php

  • notincludedlanguages.php: Get all po files not used in GLPI

  • test_langfiles.php

  • testmail.php

  • testunit.php

  • update_registered_ids.php: Purge history with some criteria

Out of date


Those tools are outdated, and kept for reference, or need some work to be working again. Use them at your own risks, or do not use them at all :)


This directory contains a set of unit tests that have not really been integrated in the project. Since, some unit tests have been rewritten, but not everything has been ported :/


A vimfile for autocompletion and highlithing in VIM. This one is very outaded; it should be replaced with a most recent version, or being removed.

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