Search Engine


The Search class aims to provide a multi-criteria Search engine for GLPI Itemtypes.

It includes some short-cuts functions:

  • show(): displays the complete search page.

  • showGenericSearch(): displays only the multi-criteria form.

  • showList(): displays only the resulting list.

  • getDatas(): return an array of raw data.

  • manageParams(): complete the $_GET values with the $_SESSION values.

The show function parse the $_GET values (calling manageParams()) passed by the page to retrieve the criteria and construct the SQL query.
For showList function, parameters can be passed in the second argument.

The itemtype classes can define a set of search options to configure which columns could be queried, how they can be accessed and displayed, etc..


  • datafields option

  • difference between searchunit and delay_unit

  • dropdown translations

  • giveItem

  • export

  • fulltext search


To display the search engine with its default options (criteria form, pager, list):

$itemtype = 'Computer';

If you want to display only the multi-criteria form (with some additional options):

$itemtype = 'Computer';
$p = [
   'addhidden'   => [ // some hidden inputs added to the criteria form
      'hidden_input' => 'OK'
   'actionname'  => 'preview', //change the submit button name
   'actionvalue' => __('Preview'), //change the submit button label
Search::showGenericSearch($itemtype, $p);

If you want to display only a list without the criteria form:

// display a list of users with entity = 'Root entity'
$itemtype = 'User';
$p = [
   'start'      => 0,      // start with first item (index 0)
   'is_deleted' => 0,      // item is not deleted
   'sort'       => 1,      // sort by name
   'order'      => 'DESC'  // sort direction
   'reset'      => 'reset',// reset search flag
   'criteria'   => [
         'field'      => 80,        // field index in search options
         'searchtype' => 'equals',  // type of search
         'value'      => 0,         // value to search
Search::showList($itemtype, $p);

GET Parameters

Search criteria


GLPI saves in $_SESSION['glpisearch'][$itemtype] the last set of parameters for the current itemtype for each search query. It is automatically restored on a new search if no reset, criteria or metacriteria is defined.

Here is the list of possible keys which could be passed to control the search engine.
All are optionals.


An multi-dimensional array of criterion to filter the search. Each criterion array must provide:

  • link: one of AND, OR, AND NOT or OR NOT logical operators, optional for first element,

  • field: id of the searchoption,

  • searchtype: type of search, one of:

    • contains

    • equals

    • notequals

    • lessthan

    • morethan

    • under

    • notunder

  • value: the value to search


In order to find the field id you want, you may take a loook at the getsearchoptions.php tool script.


Very similar to criteria parameter but permits to search in the search options of an itemtype linked to the current (the softwares of a computer, for example).

Not all itemtype can be linked, see the getMetaItemtypeAvailable() method of the Search class to know which ones could be.

The parameter need the same keys as criteria plus one additional:

  • itemtype: second itemtype to link.


id of the searchoption to sort by.


Either ASC for ending sorting or DESC for ending sorting.


An integer to indicate the start point of pagination (SQL OFFSET).


A boolean for display trash-bin.


A boolean to reset saved search parameters, see note below.

Search options

Each itemtype can define a set of options to represent the columns which can be queried/displayed by the search engine. Each option is identified by an unique integer (we must avoid conflict).

Changed in version 9.2: Searchoptions array has been completely rewritten; mainly to catch duplicates and add a unit test to prevent future issues.

To permit the use of both old and new syntaxes; a new method has been created, getSearchOptionsNew(). Old syntax is still valid (but do not permit to catch dups).

The format has changed, but not the possible options and their values!

function getSearchOptionsNew() {
   $tab = [];

   $tab[] = [
      'id'                 => 'common',
      'name'               => __('Characteristics')

   $tab[] = [
      'id'                 => '1',
      'table'              => self::getTable(),
      'field'              => 'name',
      'name'               => __('Name'),
      'datatype'           => 'itemlink',
      'massiveaction'      => false


   return $tab;


For reference, the old way to write the same search options was:

function getSearchOptions() {
   $tab                       = array();
   $tab['common']             = __('Characteristics');

   $tab[1]['table']           = self::getTable();
   $tab[1]['field']           = 'name';
   $tab[1]['name']            = __('Name');
   $tab[1]['datatype']        = 'itemlink';
   $tab[1]['massiveaction']   = false;


   return $tab;

Each option must define the following keys:


The SQL table where the field key can be found.


The SQL column to query.


A label used to display the search option in the search pages (like header for example).

Optionally, it can defined the following keys:


Foreign key used to join to the current itemtype table.
If not empty, standard massive action (update feature) for this search option will be impossible


A string or an array containing forced search type:

  • equals (may force use of field instead of id when adding searchequalsonfield option)

  • contains


A boolean to force group by on this search option


Use <hr> instead of <br> to split grouped items


Use HAVING SQL clause instead of WHERE in SQL query


Set to false to disable the massive actions for this search option.


Set to true to disable sorting with this search option.


Set to true to disable searching in this search option.


Set to true to disable displaying this search option.


Defines how the SQL join must be done. See paragraph on joinparams below.


An array for additional fields to add in the SELECT clause. For example: 'additionalfields' => ['id', 'content', 'status']


Define how the search option will be displayed and if a control need to be used for modification (ex: datepicker for date) and affect the searchtype dropdown.
optional parameters are added to the base array of the search option to control more exactly the datatype.

See the datatype paragraph below.

Join parameters

To define join parameters, you can use one or more of the following:


Define which tables must be joined to access the field.

The array contains table key and may contain an additional joinparams.
In case of nested beforejoin, we start the SQL join from the last dimension.


   'beforejoin' => [
      'table'        => 'mytable',
      'joinparams'   => [
         'beforejoin' => [...]


Define the join type:

  • empty for a standard jointype::

    REFTABLE.`#linkfield#` = NEWTABLE.`id`
  • child for a child table::

    REFTABLE.`id` = NEWTABLE.`#linkfield#`
  • itemtype_item for links using itemtype and items_id fields in new table::

    REFTABLE.`id` = NEWTABLE.`items_id`
    AND NEWTABLE.`itemtype` = '#ref_table_itemtype#'
  • itemtype_item_revert (since 9.2.1) for links using itemtype and items_id fields in ref table::

    NEWTABLE.`id` = REFTABLE.`items_id`
    AND REFTABLE.`itemtype` = '#new_table_itemtype#'
  • mainitemtype_mainitem same as itemtype_item but using mainitemtype and mainitems_id fields::

    REFTABLE.`id` = NEWTABLE.`mainitems_id`
    AND NEWTABLE.`mainitemtype` = 'new table itemtype'
  • itemtypeonly same as itemtype_item jointype but without linking id::

    NEWTABLE.`itemtype` = '#new_table_itemtype#'
  • item_item for table used to link two similar items: glpi_tickets_tickets for example: link fields are standardfk_1 and standardfk_2::

    REFTABLE.`id` = NEWTABLE.`#fk_for_new_table#_1`
    OR REFTABLE.`id` = NEWTABLE.`#fk_for_new_table#_2`
  • item_item_revert same as item_item and child jointypes::

    NEWTABLE.`id` = REFTABLE.`#fk_for_new_table#_1`
    OR NEWTABLE.`id` = REFTABLE.`#fk_for_new_table#_2`


Additional condition to add to the standard link.

Use NEWTABLE or REFTABLE tag to use the table names.

Changed in version 9.4.

An array of parameters used to build a WHERE clause from GLPI querying facilities. Was previously only a string.


Set to true to indicate the current join does not link to the previous join/from (nested joinparams)

Data types

Available datatypes for search are:


Available parameters (all optional):

  • searchunit: one of MySQL DATE_ADD unit, default to MONTH

  • maybefuture: display datepicker with future date selection, defaults to false

  • emptylabel: string to display in case of null value


Available parameters (all optional) are the same as date.


Date with a delay in month (end_warranty, end_date).

Available parameters (all optional) are the same as date and:

  • datafields: array of data fields that would be used.

    • datafields[1]: the date field,

    • datafields[2]: the delay field,

    • datafields[2]: ?

  • delay_unit: one of MySQL DATE_ADD unit, default to MONTH


Use Dropdown::showTimeStamp() for modification

Available parameters (all optional):

  • withseconds: boolean (false by default)




Any email adress


Use Html::showColorField() for modification


Simple text


Use a rich text editor for modification


Any IP adress


Available parameters (all optional):

  • htmltext: boolean, escape the value (false by default)


Use a Dropdown::showNumber() for modification (in case of equals searchtype).
For contains searchtype, you can use < and > prefix in value.

Available parameters (all optional):

  • width: html attribute passed to Dropdown::showNumber()

  • min: minimum value (default 0)

  • max: maximum value (default 100)

  • step: step for select (default 1)

  • toadd: array of values to add a the beginning of the dropdown


Alias for numbe


Same as number but count the number of item in the table


Same as number but formatted with decimal


Use Dropdown::showYesNo() for modification


Create a link to the item


Use Dropdown::showItemTypes() for modification

Available parameters (all optional) to define available itemtypes:


Use Dropdown::showLanguages() for modification

Available parameters (all optional):

  • display_emptychoice: display an empty choice (-------)


Use Profile::dropdownRights() for modification

Available parameters (all optional):

  • nonone: hide none choice ? (defaults to false)

  • noread: hide read choice ? (defaults to false)

  • nowrite: hide write choice ? (defaults to false)


Use Itemtype::dropdown() for modification.
Dropdown may have several additional parameters depending of dropdown type : right for user one for example


If not any of the previous options matches the way you want to display your field, you can use this datatype.
See specific search options paragraph for implementation.

Specific search options

You may want to control how to select and display your field in a searchoption.
You need to set ‘datatype’ => ‘specific’ in your search option and declare these methods in your class:


Define how to display the field in the list.


  • $field: column name, it matches the ‘field’ key of your searchoptions

  • $values: all the values of the current row (for select)

  • $options: will contains these keys:

    • html,

    • searchopt: the current full searchoption


Define how to display the field input in the criteria form and massive action.


  • $field: column name, it matches the ‘field’ key of your searchoptions

  • $values: the current criteria value passed in $_GET parameters

  • $name: the html attribute name for the input to display

  • $options: this array may vary strongly in function of the searchoption or from the massiveaction or criteria display. Check the corresponding files:

Simplified example extracted from CommonItilObject Class for glpi_tickets.status field:


function getSearchOptionsMain() {
   $tab = [];


   $tab[] = [
      'id'          => '12',
      'table'       => $this->getTable(),
      'field'       => 'status',
      'name'        => __('Status'),
      'searchtype'  => 'equals',
      'datatype'    => 'specific'


   return $tab;

static function getSpecificValueToDisplay($field, $values, array $options=array()) {

   if (!is_array($values)) {
      $values = array($field => $values);
   switch ($field) {
      case 'status':
         return self::getStatus($values[$field]);


   return parent::getSpecificValueToDisplay($field, $values, $options);

static function getSpecificValueToSelect($field, $name='', $values='', array $options=array()) {

   if (!is_array($values)) {
      $values = array($field => $values);
   $options['display'] = false;

   switch ($field) {
      case 'status' :
         $options['name']  = $name;
         $options['value'] = $values[$field];
         return self::dropdownStatus($options);

   return parent::getSpecificValueToSelect($field, $name, $values, $options);

Default Select/Where/Join

The search class implements three methods which add some stuff to SQL queries before the searchoptions computation.
For some itemtype, we need to filter the query or additional fields to it.
For example, filtering the tickets you cannot view if you do not have the proper rights.

GLPI will automatically call predefined methods you can rely on from your plugin hook.php file.


See addDefaultSelect() method documentation

And in the plugin hook.php file:

function plugin_mypluginname_addDefaultSelect($itemtype) {
   switch ($type) {
      case 'MyItemtype':
         return "`mytable`.`myfield` = 'myvalue' AS MYNAME, ";
   return '';


See addDefaultWhere() method documentation

And in the plugin hook.php file:

function plugin_mypluginname_addDefaultJoin($itemtype, $ref_table, &$already_link_tables) {
   switch ($itemtype) {
      case 'MyItemtype':
         return Search::addLeftJoin(
   return '';


See addDefaultJoin()

And in the plugin hook.php file:

function plugin_mypluginname_addDefaultWhere($itemtype) {
   switch ($itemtype) {
      case 'MyItemtype':
         return " `mytable`.`myfield` = 'myvalue' ";
   return '';


The glpi_boomarks table stores a list of search queries for the users and permit to retrieve them.

The query field contains an url query construct from parameters with http_build_query PHP function.

Display Preferences

The glpi_displaypreferences table stores the list of default columns which need to be displayed to a user for an itemtype.

A set of preferences can be personal or global (users_id = 0).
If a user does not have any personal preferences for an itemtype, the search engine will use the global preferences.

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